

Kaunas University of Technology - groups are formed according to the needs of students who wish to study. Prices and detailed information here.

Vytautas Magnus University - annual Lithuanian language and culture courses from A1 to C1. Prices and details here.

Kaunas College organises intensive Lithuanian language courses for foreigners.

Companies cooperating with UZT

Persons with a residence permit in Lithuania (employed or unemployed) can register with the Employment Service. The UZT refers you to cooperating establishments all over Lithuania and gives you the opportunity to attend Lithuanian language courses free of charge and to receive a scholarship. You can also learn Lithuanian at your own expense at these institutions.

Other institutions

Kaunas Education Innovation Centre


The list is constantly being updated and expanded. If your institution is not on this list, please contact us using the contact details provided.

About us

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in over 100 countries. IOM has had a presence in Lithuania since 1998.

IOM has established a Migration Information Center in Lithuania that provides information and services to migrants to facilitate their integration.